Somerset County, New Jersey Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Have you been hit by a vehicle or injured while walking? We’re here to help.

Pedestrian Accident? Act Fast!

With pedestrian accident cases, time is of the essence. New Jersey courts require that you file a claim within two (2) years from the date of your injury. Missing the filing deadline may result in your case being dismissed. Additionally, collecting evidence in pedestrian cases gets more challenging as more time elapses. If you have been injured in a pedestrian accident, don’t delay: call Arlen Law Firm, your New Jersey pedestrian accident attorneys, at 908-212-7660.

Personal Injury lawyer in Somerset County, NJ

In the aftermath of a pedestrian accident, you need a legal advocate you can trust. The New Jersey pedestrian accident attorneys at Arlen Law Firm are here to help you recover compensation for your injuries, brom broken bones and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) to cuts, bruises, and scrapes. If you have been hurt by someone else’s negligence you have a right to pursue compensation—and we can help.

In many pedestrian accidents survivors are left with debilitating physical injuries, emotional trauma, and heavy financial burdens. Our New Jersey pedestrian accident lawyers specialize in cases involving who have been injured on foot, whether by a car, motorcycle, falling object or other danger. 

New Jersey pedestrian accident lawyer Geoffrey Arlen has decades of experience protecting the rights of pedestrians. He specializes in right-of-way laws, insurance disputes, and establishing at-fault liability in challenging cases. His goal: to seek full, fair compensation for anyone injured in a pedestrian accident. Geoff prides himself on timely responses, client accessibility, and consistent results.

Understanding Your Rights As a Pedestrian in New Jersey

You have the right to safe streets.

New Jersey pedestrian laws are clear: “Motorists in New Jersey MUST stop for pedestrians in a marked crosswalk.” Drivers have a responsibility to yield to pedestrians who are walking in crosswalks, on sidewalks, in commercial parking lots, or any other roadway occupied by mixed-use traffic. Vehicles must come to a full and complete stop while pedestrians are crossing the road. 

You have the right to an attorney.

Your rights as a pedestrian start with your right to an attorney. Traffic accidents resulting from driver negligence, such as failing to yield, running red lights, distracted driving, speeding etc—can be more quickly resolved through the use of an attorney who specializes in pedestrian safety. As these cases often result in large medical bills and related costs, hiring a pedestrian lawyer can help you get back on your feet quickly.

You have a right to file a lawsuit, even if you were partially at fault for the accident.

A New Jersey pedestrian accident lawyer can help you navigate the complexities of the legal process including the role of comparative negligence in your case outcome. You may be entitled to compensation after a pedestrian accident, even if you are found to be partially responsible. Partial fault should never be a reason not to pursue legal action against another responsible party.

You have the right to find the best pedestrian accident attorney.

After a pedestrian accident, you may be on the hunt for the “best pedestrian accident attorney”. This may be a personal choice, but we believe that the best pedestrian accident attorney is one who fights for you, all the way through the court system if necessary, to get you the settlement you deserve. Our attorneys are here to advocate for your rights—and secure the compensation to which you are entitled.

Choosing The Right Legal Partner For The Job

No two attorneys are exactly alike, and selecting the right attorney to represent you is a crucial component of your case’s success. Look for a lawyer with a proven track record of handling pedestrian accident cases: one who understands not just the law in this regard, but also the legal process of negotiating with insurance companies—and fighting all the way to court if necessary. Finally, look for an attorney who will take your case seriously. They should take the time to get to know you so they can speak to every nuance of how the accident has affected your life.

Call Us Today

Have you been injured on a pedestrian accident in Somerset County, New Jersey?  Call immediately at (908) 212-7660 to discuss your case.

You have the right to legal damages after a pedestrian accident.

You may not realize that you can sue for damages associated with your pedestrian accident, including medical expenses, lost wages and lost earning capacity, pain and suffering, property damage and more. If another person or legal entity is found to be liable 50% or more at fault, you may be entitled to compensation through a settlement or jury verdict. Talk to a pedestrian accident attorney today to learn more: 908-212-7660.

Collectable Damages in a Pedestrian Accident

You have a number of ways to collect damages from your pedestrian accident. Depending on the severity of your injuries and the circumstances of your case, damage types may factor into your settlement or verdict outcome:

Medical Expenses

Perhaps the most common of personal injury damages is the medical expenses incurred after an accident. This may include the cost of emergency medical care and hospitalization; surgery and physical rehabilitation; as well as physical therapy, occupational therapy and/or ongoing medical treatments. New Jersey residents may seek compensation for both past and future medical expenses related to the injuries that occurred from their pedestrian accident.

Lost Wages / Loss of Future Earning Capacity

After a serious accident you may be required to take time away from work. In some cases, you may never be able to work to the same degree, or even in the same field as you were working before. You may be entitled to compensation for all lost wages, as well as compensation for any diminishment in your earning capacity or ability to work in the future. Your personal injury attorney will work with economic experts to determine this aspect of your claim and fight for every penny you are owed.

Pain and Suffering

Many people have heard of “pain and suffering,” but not everyone understands what this is or how it works. Pain and suffering is a standard component of legal damages, particularly in pedestrian accident cases where recovery may take weeks, months or even years. It encompasses physical pain, mental/emotional distress, and the impact the accident has had on your quality of life. 

Property Damage

You may lose or damage clothing, electronics, currency, or other personal belongings after a pedestrian accident. These expenses fall under “property damage”, and are collectible under New Jersey law. Ask your personal injury lawyer if property damage compensation will apply in your case.

Pedestrian Accident FAQs

Do I need a New Jersey pedestrian accident lawyer?

You are not required to retain a lawyer to file a claim for compensation, but insurance companies are known to “low-ball” unrepresented claimants, particularly in claims with large potential damage amounts. If the at-fault driver’s insurance company delays or denies your claim—or tries to pin the blame on you—you should retain legal representation.

An experienced pedestrian accident lawyer will make the process faster, and will frequently resolve your case for more than you would get on your own, even factoring in legal fees. They will gather evidence, interview witnesses, and establish liability upon the at-fault party or parties. 

A study by the Insurance Research Council showed that represented personal injury claims resolve for almost 3.5x more than unrepresented claims. Call Arlen Law today to discuss your case: 908-212-7660.

What does a pedestrian accident attorney do?

Your pedestrian accident lawyer plays a crucial role in your journey to recovery. This specialized personal injury attorney will assist in every aspect of your case, from accident investigation and police report requests to negotiating with your insurance companies. Your lawyer will apply their understanding of local and state regulations to safeguard your rights during legal proceedings. Your pedestrian accident attorney will gather evidence from the case, consult with medical specialists and forensics experts, and design a case that maximizes your compensation.

Call Arlen Law today to begin your case: 908-212-7660.

What kind of compensation does my pedestrian accident entitle me to?

Depending on the circumstances of your case, you may be entitled to a number of types of compensation, including medical expenses, lost wages, loss of earning capacity, pain and suffering, loss of consortium and more. An experienced pedestrian accident lawyer will be able to determine the full extent of the damages you are potentially owed, and will fight to secure full compensation on your behalf.

I was injured in a pedestrian accident. What should I do?

Make sure to stay at the accident scene until help arrives, and attend to your medical needs first. Pedestrian accidents often result in shock in the immediate aftermath; stay calm and ask any witnesses or third parties to collect as much information as they can. Make sure to collect insurance information from the other party or parties, and never admit liability (fault). After your medical condition is stable call a pedestrian accident attorney immediately to begin the process of collecting damages from your claim. Call Arlen Law at 908-212-7660 to begin your case.

How much time do I have to file a lawsuit on my pedestrian accident?

While the New Jersey statute of limitations is 2 years from the date of your accident, We always advise that you file your pedestrian accident lawsuit as soon as possible. Your pedestrian accident lawyer will be able to gather evidence, communicate with witnesses and establish a solid foundation for your case. The longer you wait, the more challenges you may face in establishing your claim. 

What is my pedestrian accident claim worth?

Your case value will depend on several factors. As per NewJersey’s comparative negligence law, you must be 50% or less responsible for the accident to collect any damages at all, and the amount of collectible damages is reduced by the degree to which you are found at fault. Second, your case value will depend on both economic costs (such as medical expenses, lost wages, loss of earning capacity, pain and suffering, rehabilitation, surgeries, etc.) as well as noneconomic damages (pain and suffering, loss of consortium, etc.). Call Arlen Law at 908-212-7660 to discuss your case.

How long will my pedestrian accident case take to resolve?

Case lengths will vary on a number of factors, including case complexity, jurisdiction, intrastate liability issues, and insurance company denials. Some cases may conclude within a matter of weeks; others can drag on for months, or even years. Hiring a dedicated pedestrian accident attorney is likely to speed up the resolution of your claim.

In many cases, insurance companies will offer a low-ball settlement offer shortly after your accident; while you are entitled to take any settlement you feel is fair, be aware that you may be entitled to much more compensation than you were originally offered. Quick settlements are frequently undervalued settlements! Before settling your pedestrian claim, always speak to a lawyer to discuss the potential full value of your claim—and how long it may take to resolve it.

Can I sue if I get hit by a car?

Yes. In New Jersey you can sue for medical damages, as well as pain and suffering if you are hit by a car. If the accident resulted in catastrophic injury or death, or if medical damages exceed certain thresholds, you may be able to pursue a claim against the driver who is found at fault. To speak with a pedestrian accident attorney about your case, call Arlen Law at 908-212-7660.

What types of compensation can I pursue in a pedestrian accident?

Compensation for pedestrian cases can range from medical expenses and surgery costs to lost wages, loss of earning capacity and property damage. Additionally, you may be entitled to non-economic damages (that is, damages that are not easily quantifiable, like pain and suffering and loss of close relationships). Talk to your pedestrian accident lawyer to learn more. 

How is the compensation amount determined in pedestrian accident cases?

Compensation depends primarily on liability (who is at fault, and to what degree) and damages (the costs you have incurred because of the accident). Assuming you are found to be less than 50% responsible, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, surgery costs, lost income, loss of earning capacity, ongoing rehabilitation costs, and even emotional distress (often called “pain and suffering”). Talk to your pedestrian accident lawyer at Arlen Law to learn how you can reach a full, fair resolution on your accident claim.